My Hyper realistic morning routine

This morning wasnt quite right, It felt weird, some wierd stuff happened.
So I woke up Hyper realistcily and It felt wierd, Ive never been hyper realistic before, its pretty cool,so I hyper realisticly fold my bed and Hyper realistically put on some hyper realistic clothes. I then walked hyper realistically too the bath room and hyper realistically took a hyper realistic piss.Next I made some hyper realistic toast, I took out the hyper realistic toaster and plugged it into the hyper realistic outlet, I then put 2 pieces of hyper realistic toast into the hyper realistic toaster.I then began to make hyper realistic eggs by hyper realistically cracking hyper realistic eggs into a hyper realistic pan and cooked them, hyper realistically.The toast was hyper realistic now so it popped out of the hyper realistic toaster hyper realistically. I made my hyper realistic breakfeast and too it to my couch hyper realistic couch hyper realistically and ate my hyper realistic breakfeast hyper realistically while watching hyper realistic TV. I washed my hyper realistic dishes hyper realistically and got ready hyper realistically for my hyper realistic day. I took a hyper realistic shower and got hyper realistic soap in my hyper realistic eye, it was hyper realistically painful, I screamed hyper realistically and hyper realistically rinced my hyper realistic eye out. After that, I hyper realistically brushed my teeth with hyper realistic tooth paste and a hyper realistic tooth brush, I then got in my hyper realistic car and drove hyper realistically to my hyper realistic work. the hyper realistic end.